Are you worried about the lack of employees in your company? Are you interested in employing Ukrainians, but don't know how to do it? Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o. will facilitate the entire process of employing Ukrainians. With the Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o. agency, you can easily solve the lack of employees in your company. Workers from Ukraine are a great solution for filling vacancies.
Long experience
We are oriented towards staff from Eastern Europe, and above all workers from Ukraine. Employing workers from Ukraine may seem complicated at first glance, but not for us. We have long-term experience in employing workers from Ukraine. We have been providing workers from Ukraine to our permanent partners for more than 20 years. Employment of workers from Ukraine is also easier thanks to the Regime Ukraine project. Therefore, you can easily solve the lack of employees in your company by hiring workers from Ukraine.
We care about our clients
Recruitment centers of the personnel agency Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o. are located throughout Ukraine. We own a large database of potential workers. Our professional team ensures that workers from Ukraine are perfectly trained and ready to work abroad. We care not only about the satisfaction of our partners, but also about the satisfaction of our employees. We help them in making and preparing all the necessary documents for work abroad. We make sure that workers from Ukraine always have valid and error-free documents. We don't want any of our employees to encounter any misunderstandings during working hours.
We specialize in various professional areas
Agency Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o. provides workers from Ukraine in various professional fields. Our domain is skilled and unskilled workers, but we also offer craft, technical, manual, service, administrative, IT or medical personnel.