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Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o. extensive recruitment agency database allows you to quickly secure qualified workers for your company

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About us. Recruitment agency services and activities

We provide HR capital for companies

We solve the needs of our customers. Our employment agency provides qualified workers for production and logistics. The staffing agency Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o. provides you with qualified workers and craftsmen for various industries. We can fill experts in technical sectors, service, administration, IT and medical personnel. We offer personal leasing, agency employment, recruitment, or outsourcing of system units.


Employment agency for foreigners

Our employment agency offers companies reliable, qualified and motivated staff from Eastern Europe (especially Ukraine).

We thoroughly check the workers we supply to companies. We make sure that they are sufficiently qualified, reliable, responsible and sufficiently motivated. We register candidates screened in this way in the internal database of our personnel agency and offer them to companies according to their needs. Thanks to this, we belong to the top among employment agencies on the Czech market.

We cover complete outsourcing of logistics services including transport and storage EUROPA WORKINTENSEOutsourcing of total or partial production with a high proportion of manual labor EUROPA WORKINTENSE

Services of the Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o.

The employment agency Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o. is divided into three operational divisions:

Labour agency for HR capital.

Here we mainly provide personnel leasing and recruitment and other standard activities of personnel agencies. We also offer companies temporary help services and temporary / seasonal staff in the form of personal leasing and agency employment. We provide qualified HR capital from the countries of Eastern Europe, especially Ukraine, with application on the labor market in the Czech Republic, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Hungary.

Agency for Industrial Outsourcing, Automotive and Logistics

As part of the industrial outsourcing service, we supply companies with external assistance to cover specific activities in production . We will ensure the fulfillment of the specific goals of the defined work as part of a specialized project. We offer outsourcing of processes and functions in the field of automotive, industry, production and logistics.

Agency for IT outsourcing.

We offer companies external assistance in the field of IT and technology, we ensure the development of applications and information systems in the form of IT outsourcing.

Other services for customers of the staffing agency Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o.

  • health and safety advice and consulting
  • personnel audit
  • employee testing
  • outplacement
  • salary survey
  • mass recruitment
Offer of vacancies - HR agency EUROPA WORKINTENSEHOT vacancies. HOT jobs. Take a look at our current job offers

Background and know-how of the personnel agency Workintense Personální Agentura s.r.o.

Our entrepreneurial and innovative strength lies in the exchange of experience across our diverse projects. We share our know-how, which allows us to constantly increase our productivity, innovate and thoroughly refine personnel and operational processes and activities.

To send an inquiry, please contact us at

  • Place of business and contact address: Prague 5 - Smíchov, 150 00, ul. Na Plzeňce 1235/2
WORKINTENSE about company

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On request, we provide references and are able to prepare a non-binding offer, and we advise you to participate in a selection process that is in line with the subject of our business.